How To Use Tap Numbers

Step 1: On your Update Menu page (where you add/remove beers), click the "Settings" button.

Step 2: scroll down past the "Business info" section and find the "Menu" subheader. Beneath that you'll see the option to "Use tap numbers for On Tap and Growler menu sections". Check that box:

Step 3: Scroll way down to the bottom of the page and click "Update" to save this change.

Using Tap Numbers

Go to the "Update Menu" page and you will see all beers in the On Tap and Growlers sections are now numbered.

Mouse over the icons on the left side of each beer to drag and drop beers.  You can rearrange the beers in any order you like to adjust the tap number for each beer. When you need to change the beer on a specific tap you can scroll down to the beer and click "Edit" on the far right side beer. 

Tap numbers will be displayed on your

  • BeerMenus desktop and mobile pages
  • Print menu
  • Facebook tab
  • TV display


BeerMenus page

Print Menu

TV Display

If you'd like to use a custom ordering system without numbers displaying, follow these steps.

If you hit a snag, need help, or would like to apply custom ordering without numbers showing, please send us an email at or call/text us at 347-927-1574 and we can help you out!

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us