The Most Important Time To Update Your Beer Menu

It's important to make sure your beer menu is always up-to-date, but it's especially important to let people know your beer menu is up-to-date during the peak times of the day and week.

In the past the most people were on BeerMenus on week days from 5-6pm doing some research before leaving their offices and traffic slowed in the evening and on weekends when people were away from their desks.

With more and more people using BeerMenus on their smartphones, we've noticed

  • More traffic on Saturdays
  • More traffic from 6-8pm

These two charts show visits to BeerMenus broken down by the day of the week and time of the day.




  • It's especially important to have an up-to-date beer menu Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays when the most people are researching where to buy beer.
  • It's especially important to have an up-to-date beer menu from 1-9PM when the most people are researching where to buy beer.

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