Set up separate Web Menu profiles; split up your Web Menu

Here's an example of when you'd want to do this: You have separate tabs on your website for your Beers, Wines, Cocktails, and Food, all of which you list on BeerMenus, and you want to make sure the Web Menus from BeerMenus get split up the same way.

If you follow these steps you can set that up in just a few minutes!

Step 1: Get your Menu Sections squared away.

The process for splitting your menu up is built upon Menu Sections, so make sure you've got them all created before you do anything else.

There are a bunch of default Menu Sections, but you can also add custom Menu Sections.

Step 2: Once your Menu Sections are all set up, head to your Update Menu page (where you add/remove items) and click the "Web" tab:

Step 3: You'll need to create a new Web Menu profile for each of your separate menus. To continue with the example described above, you'll need separate Beer, Wine, Cocktails, and Food Web Menu profiles.

So, create your first Web Menu profile by clicking "+ New Web Menu":

Step 4: This brings you to the settings page for this Web Menu profile.

First things first: name this Web Menu profile based on what menu you're working on. Continuing with the example from above, you'd name this menu "Beer."

As soon as you click out of that text box, the name saves.

Step 5: Scroll down the settings along the left side of the page and click the "Content" group of settings to expand it:

Step 6: Choose the Menu Sections you'd like to include on this menu.

Scroll down to "Menu Sections" and check the boxes for the Menu Sections you'd like to include and un-check the boxes for the Menu Sections you don't want to include.

Continuing with the example from above (where I'm creating my Beer menu), I'd check the boxes next to my On Tap, Bottles, and Cans Menu Sections, and I'd uncheck the boxes next to every other Menu Section—for example I'd uncheck Winter Sandwiches, Winter Burgers, Winter Handhelds, etc.

Here's how it would look:

As you make these updates the changes autosave. Once you've checked and unchecked according to what you want, you're done with the Web Menu profile for that tab of your website!

Step 7: Repeat the same process to create Web Menu profiles for the other tabs/pages on your site.

Step 8: When you've got everything set up correctly, you're ready to get all your install codes and then install the Web Menus on your site!

For installation help, questions, or if you hit a snag, please email us at, call or text us at 347-927-1574, or schedule a call.

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